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HELOISE: Walking your dog? Use fence etiquette

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Dear Heloise: I would like to address my concern for people who think they are letting their dogs “play” with the dogs behind fences while they are walking them. There is an adult who walks her two small dogs in our neighborhood on those retractable leashes. I suppose she thinks it’s cute to stop by our fence, in two separate places, and let her dogs sniff and bark at our two dogs.

Our dogs run back and forth and get very excited. They could jump the 51/2-foot fence.

I usually come running out of the house yelling at my dogs to stop. When I walk my dogs, I always keep them under control. When I know the places where there are dogs behind the fence, I cross the street to avoid it.

So, hopefully readers will take heed. No one wants to see his or her pet, or anyone else’s, injured.

Debbie H., via e-mail

Debbie, good pet (and people) manners are vital for all of us to observe. Many times, people are just not aware. Hopefully your letter will strike a chord with my readers.


Dear Heloise: Dog-food bags that are heavy-duty and foil-lined are extremely durable and strong. They are excellent for reuse in many ways:

Use smaller bags as packing material.

To collect yard waste (branches and cuttings).

For storing items out of season (holiday decorations, summer supplies, etc.).

To save extra dog toys and supplies.

Smaller bags can hold smelly or spoiled food for the trash.

Sharon in Texas

All good uses, Sharon, and here is one from Joan in West Virginia about reusing dog-treat bags. She says: “I really believe in recycling glass, plastic, newspaper and aluminum. I like to recycle the zippered bags that I buy dog treats in. They are excellent for holding eggshells and anything that would smell if put in my trash can in the kitchen.”


Dear Readers: Sarah Smith of Randolph, Maine, sent a photo of her cute little backyard squirrel, hands together, busily eating fruit from a tree.

To see the squirrel in action, visit


Dear Heloise: We are planning a trip, and we are taking our two little Chihuahuas, Pansy and Pepper (the kids), with us.

I bought a book on first aid for small dogs. I have been reading a few pages every day, highlighting items that I may need, and plan to have read the entire book before our trip. I will take the book along, just in case.

Joanne in Arkansas

Dear Heloise: Our water is extremely hard, and the dog dishes get crusty and yucky fast. I’ve found that using plain table salt (a generous pour) and a sponge can scrub out the water bowls.

Kay, via e-mail

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to

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