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Sunday, November 28, 2010


Neither vulnerable. West deals.


xK J 5

u5 3

vK 7

wK Q 10 9 7 6


xA 10 7 x9 6 4 3 2

uA J 9 6 4 uQ 7

vQ J 5 3 v10 6

w4 wJ 8 5 2


xQ 8

uK 10 8 2

vA 9 8 4 2

wA 3

The bidding:


1u 2w Pass 3NT

Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: Six of u

“Count your way to better play” should be the mantra for all who want to improve their technique. Consider this deal.

The auction is simple enough. With the equivalent of a full opening bid and two potential stoppers in the enemy suit, for South to bid anything other than three no trump would be a blatant act of cowardice.

West led the six of hearts, and East’s queen was taken with the king. Obviously, the only threat to the contract is for East to gain the lead to play a heart through declarer’s 10 8. Once the ace of spades is forced out, declarer has five fast tricks outside the club suit, so four club tricks are all that are needed to bring home the bacon.

If clubs are 3-2, or if West holds four clubs, the contract is secure no matter how declarer proceeds. Declarer’s efforts, therefore, must be focused on countering a distribution where East holds club length headed by the jack, since the ace of spades is certainly with West, the opening bidder.

At trick two, declarer should lead the eight of spades, intending to insert the jack should West follow low, Next, the ten of clubs is run and, whether that wins or loses, declarer has at least four club tricks to go with two spades, two diamonds and the heart already in the bank. Even if East has all the missing clubs, declarer can set up a second spade trick for his contract.

2010 Tribune Media Services