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Elton John concert causes outcry in Morocco

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Associated Press

RABAT, Morocco

A concert by Elton John has tested the limits of Morocco’s drive for modernity, probing this Muslim nation’s complex and ambiguous attitudes toward homosexuality like rarely before.

Islamists in the North African kingdom were outraged by the gay pop star’s visit, while the royal palace, government and his many fans backed his appearance Wednesday night.

No riots or violence were reported, said Rabat’s governor, Hassan Amrani. Authorities had beefed up security.

In a sign of John’s popularity, several thousand of his fans appeared to know his lyrics by heart even though most people in this French and Arabic speaking country know little or no English.

The tension over the concert is part of a tussle between conservatives and modernizers in a nation that criminalizes homosexuality but has long been famous for a swinging party scene. Morocco has attracted gay celebrities such as designer Yves Saint Laurent and writer Paul Bowles and recently saw the launch of its first gay magazine.

Across the Islamic world, strictly hidden but sometimes tacitly tolerated traditions of homosexuality are surfacing fitfully — and John’s concert is the latest litmus test.

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