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Canfield students run the town for a day

Friday, May 21, 2010


Neighbors | Abby Slanker.Marcus Shutrump (seated) assumed the role of Superintendent Dante Zambrini (standing) during a mock school board meeting at Canfield High School's 30th annual Civics Day.


Superintendent Dante Zambrini (left) explains policies and procedures to Canfield High School seniors during a mock school board meeting at the 30th annual Civics Day May 7. Canfield High School government teachers Mike Pavlansky (center) and Tara Kalina (right) look on.


Neighbors | Abby Slanker.Canfield High School seniors ran a mock school board meeting with their counterparts' help during the 30th annual Civics Day May 7.


Forty-three Canfield High School seniors participated in the 30th annual Civic Day May 7, sponsored by the Canfield Rotary.

The day is organized by Canfield High School government teachers Tara Kalina and Mike Pavlansky and provides the students an opportunity to experience how all facets of local government work.

Each student was assigned an official from Canfield City, Canfield Schools or Canfield Township to shadow during the day. For example, student Mike Podolsky was assigned to and assumed the role of Mayor Bill Kay and student Marcus Shutrump assumed the role of Superintendent Dante Zambrini.

The students’ day started at the Canfield board of education office where they conducted a mock school board meeting with their official counterparts. The school officials helped the students understand how a school board meeting is conducted by explaining policies and procedures for the meeting.

Several topics were introduced, debated, questions were taken and mock votes were held among the student school board members.

The students then took a tour of Canfield Village Middle School and were given a tour of the police and fire stations.

The students also went to the Canfield Municipal Building where they held a mock city council meeting.

They then went to the Canfield Township Hall where a mock trustee meeting was held.

The 30th annual Canfield High School Civic Day came to an end as the Canfield Rotary held a luncheon for the students and officials at St. Michael’s Church.