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HELOISE: Readers get in on gift-card debate

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dear Readers: A recent letter from a reader expressed how she did not like receiving a gift card for a restaurant she didn’t frequent. So, here are a few of the comments we received in response:

A reader in Houston says: “Wow, be thankful that your family gave you a gift! If you don’t like it, re-gift it or go use part of it and get the change in cash, if possible. And for next Christmas, perhaps you should let your family know your favorite restaurant or store. Count your blessings — some people don’t receive any gifts at all!”

Mary McLaughlin of Newport Beach, Calif., says: “Checks are better than gift cards. They won’t be limited to one store.”

Pat from North Tustin, Calif., says: “I like receiving gift cards. Since I am on a tight budget, I would use cash to pay a bill. The restaurant gift cards have given me the opportunity to try out a new restaurant or go to one I might not be able to afford.”

Norman, via e-mail, says: “I hate gift cards, as money is lost on most. A $25 card is used in a restaurant and the bill is $23 — $2 is lost since I don’t go back. Even ones to a big-box store can be misplaced and not found for a year or never be completely used up. Cash or a card to a good local grocery is better.”

A reader from Ohio says: “Gifts are an extra, a perk, something you didn’t have the day before. I am always grateful for any gift I receive.”

Barbara, via e-mail, says, “My husband and I both prefer gift cards instead of gifts that we cannot use or do not need.”

Lydia, via e-mail, says: “I vote yes for cash and no for gift cards. I hate them! Gift cards have to be spent where the purchaser chooses, not by the receiver’s choice!”

Margaret Holbrook, via e-mail: “I am a fan of gift cards. I am a knitter and use a lot of yarn. I tell folks to get me gift cards for yarn stores. The trick is to let people know where you like to shop.”

Shannon, via e-mail, says: “My in-laws buy me a gift card to a local spa. I have two small children and work full time. I love going to the spa.”

A reader, via e-mail, says: “A gift is never a requirement and is supposed to be something given in friendship. You are not required to love every gift you receive, but you are required to be gracious to the giver, who took the time to get you something!”

Thanks so much to all the readers who took the time to drop us a line! So there you have it. There are always many different views. Keep these comments in mind when you are thinking of giving a gift card.


Dear Heloise: To keep my cutting board in place while using, I set it on a wet paper towel. Works great!

Deborah, via e-mail

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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