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Fishermen vs. turtles

Monday, March 22, 2010

Fishermen vs. turtles

News & Observer, Raleigh, N.C.: To such an inoffensive and impressive creature as the loggerhead sea turtle, it must seem as if the world — particularly man’s world — conspires against it. Now the reptiles, found along our North Carolina coast, may gain a measure of well-merited protection.

The federal government recommended an endangered-species listing for loggerheads in U.S. waters. A principal effect would be that the fishing industry would have to take greater care not to harm them.

Ah, say hard-pressed commercial fishermen — we’re endangered too. And they are. But their main foe is the fished-out stocks of more and more food-fish species, not sea turtle protections.

Along the Atlantic coast, beach-front residents and specialized sea turtle hospitals, including one on Topsail Island, care deeply about, and for, these majestic animals, many of which are maimed or killed by fishing gear. If an “endangered” designation can help loggerheads survive, bring it on, and faster than turtle-speed.