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HELOISE: Uses for flash drive are endless

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dear Heloise: Regarding putting copies of all important papers for a trip on a flash drive, this is a terrific idea, especially for those in hurricane-prone areas. They even can be placed in the car so if you have to leave your home, this will be one less thing to think about. I know many who lost everything in a hurricane and wished they had done this.

As for me, I intend to do it immediately, and it might be a good idea as a backup for letters, photos and other important stuff on the computer in case of a crash. You even could make your own recipe flash drive by scanning recipes and then downloading. This gets rid of all those loose pages those of us who collect recipes have.

The uses for these inexpensive devices are endless, and limited only by your imagination.

Missie in Louisiana

Good hint, and here is another one about a flash drive from John in Florida. He says: “I use one of the flash drives for my business records. One day it worked itself loose from my key chain, and I thought I had lost it. Luckily, I found it, but it inspired me to format it with a label containing the words “reward if found” along with my phone number. That might give me a small chance of getting it back should it go astray again.”

Readers, this may help recover the flash drive, but I do hope any personal or financial information is protected with a password.


Dear Heloise: I have found it helpful to keep a can of dust remover intended for electronic equipment on my sewing machine. It quickly removes fuzz and dust that accumulate from various fabrics.

Linda, via e-mail

Dear Heloise: We all need to recycle. Try this: Keep a brown paper sack where you write lists and pay bills. Place receipts (and tear up any with credit-card numbers or identifying info — Heloise), phone messages, used envelopes, unsoiled fast-food sacks and napkins, and grocery lists into the sack. When it is full (it is amazing how fast it fills up), roll the top closed and toss it in the recycle bin.

I started this when I noticed the recycle-truck operator pick the bin up on a windy day and little pieces of paper blew all over the yard. Not anymore!

E.C. in Arkansas

Dear Heloise: I suspect many of us have outdated potholders and dish towels and haven’t had the heart to throw them away or relegate them to the dusting pile. I use my “vintage” potholders and dish towels in between nonstick pots and pans and between baking pans with nonstick finishes so they don’t get scratched being nestled on top of each other.

Bobbie, Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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