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Thursday, June 24, 2010


Both vulnerable. West deals.


xK Q 8 6

uQ 10 4

vA K 9 5

w8 4


xA 7 x10 9 4 2

uK J 8 7 6 u5 3

v8 7 v10 6 3

wK Q 5 2 wJ 10 7 6


xJ 5 3

uA 9 2

vQ J 4 2

wA 9 3

The bidding:


1u Dbl Pass 2NT

Pass 3NT Pass Pass


Opening lead: Two of w

“Count your way to winning play” should be the slogan for every player. That applies to winning tricks and points. This deal contains both elements.

South’s jump to two no trump after partner’s takeout double showed 10-12 points. With the opening bidder to make the opening lead trapped between two good hands, 24 points are often enough to bring home a game.

To land the game, the opening club lead must be from a four-card suit; otherwise the defenders can get four club tricks and the ace of spades. To get home declarer can afford to give up only one trick outside clubs if he is to score nine tricks before the opponents get five.

Declarer has six fast tricks available in hearts, diamonds and clubs, so he will need three tricks from spades. There is no problem if spades are going to break evenly, but what if they are 4-2? In that event, West will have to have precisely a doubleton ace in the suit. Even then, declarer must take care in how he tackles the suit.

On the opening club lead, there is no point to a holdup play since a heart shift from East will promote the setting trick, so declarer wins the ace of clubs and leads a low spade from hand. West must play low and dummy’s queen wins. Declarer cannot afford to return a spade to the jack, since West will win the ace, and declarer cannot take three tricks in the suit. Declarer comes to hand with a diamond and leads another spade up to dummy’s high honor. When the ace appears, declarer has nine tricks. If a low spade appears, declarer must rise with the table’s high spade and continue the suit, hoping for a 3-3 division.

2010 Tribune Media Services

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