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Water problems reported in Poland

By Denise Dick

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

By Denise Dick



Some residents report a gritty film covering their dishes and discoloring their clothes.

After initially blaming their dishwashers, Nancy Mang and Robert and Linda Hoover concluded after speaking to other residents that it’s the water.

“I changed my liquid dish soap,” Mang said.

She first noticed the problem about six weeks ago. The Hoovers, who live next door, didn’t detect a problem until Sunday night when Robert Hoover was unloading the dishwasher.

“The dishes were all gritty,” he said.

Aqua Ohio is the water provider in that area so Linda Hoover called 877-987-2782 to alert the company and try to find out what the problem was. She says she believes the company should alert the public.

“If it does that to our dishes, I worry about what it’s doing to the hot water tank or to the pipes,” Linda Hoover said.

She described her dishes has having a gray, gritty film on them, and Mang says that black clothes have a gray hue after being washed.

Neither Mang nor the Hoovers report a foul odor or taste.

Al Sauline, Aqua vice president, said the company received two calls — one from Hummingbird Hill Drive, where the Hoovers and Mangs live, and one from Island Drive in the village.

A crew member went to one of the homes Tuesday to collect a sample and talk to the customer before returning to the plant to determine what’s causing the residue. The tests showed the water met all regulations.

“The water is perfectly safe,” Sauline said. He said the problem is aesthetic.

“We’ll do some chemistry on it to see what’s causing the aesthetic spotting and make adjustments at the plant and the treatment process,” Sauline said.