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Canfield church shows free movies

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Alice Johns (left) and Brenda Hernan made popcorn before the showing of "Miracle Dogs Too." Together, they spearheaded the movie project as a community service.


Neighbors | Abby Slanker.Natalia Ritenour (left) and her mom, Traci, grabbed some popcorn before watching the movie at Canfield Christian Church June 25.


Movie goers at the Canfield Christian Church enjoyed the movie "Miracle Dogs Too."


The Canfield Christian Church is getting into the movie theater business — sort of.

The church, located at 123 S. Broad St., held a free movie night June 25 with a crowd of about 25 people.

The movie, “Miracle Dogs Too,” was shown on a flat screen TV in the church’s basement. As attendees filed in to find a seat, the smell of popcorn filled the air.

Refreshments included hot dogs, popcorn, lemonade, water and dessert — all free.

The church will show a movie outside at 8 p.m. on the third Friday of each month this summer. The event is free and open to everyone. Weather permitting, a big screen will be hung on the church’s sign on the lawn of the church and movie goers are asked to bring a blanket or lawn chair to enjoy the show.

Alice Johns and Brenda Hernan spearheaded the project as a community service.

“The movies we show are family-oriented and some have a Christian theme,” Johns said. “This is a friendly church and anyone is welcome.”

The church also holds Lenten breakfasts during the seven weeks of Lent, and draws large crowds, for a free will offering. For more information, call 330-533-2246.