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Publishers weekly Best-sellers For the week ending Jan. 16

Sunday, January 24, 2010


1. “The Help” by Kathryn Stockett (Putnam/Amy Einhorn)

2. “The Lost Symbol” by Dan Brown (Doubleday)

3. “The First Rule” by Robert Crais (Putnam)

4. “The Swan Thieves” by Elizabeth Kostova (Little, Brown)

5. “The Last Song” by Nicholas Sparks (Grand Central)

6. “I, Alex Cross” by James Patterson (Little, Brown)

7. “Impact” by Douglas Preston (Forge)

8. “Deeper Than the Dead” by Tami Hoag (Dutton)

9. “Noah’s Compass” by Anne Tyler (Knopf)

10. “Treasure Hunt” by John Lescroart (Dutton)


1. “Game Change” by John Heilemann & Mark Halperin (Harper)

2. “Committed” by Elizabeth Gilbert (Viking)

3. “Have a Little Faith” by Mitch Albom (Hyperion)

4. “Going Rogue” by Sarah Palin (Harper)

5. “The Full Plate Diet” by Stuart A.Seale, M.D., et al (Bard Press)

6. “Stones into Schools” by Greg Mortenson (Viking)

7. “Outliers” by Malcolm Gladwell (Little, Brown)

8. “SuperFreakonomics” by Steven D. Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner (Morrow)

9. “The Mayo Clinic Diet” by Mayo Clinic Weight-loss Experts (Good Books)

10. “The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin (Harper)


1. “Dear John” by Nicholas Sparks (Grand Central)

2. “The Lovely Bones” by Alice Sebold (Little, Brown)

3. “The Devil’s Punchbowl” by Greg Iles (Pocket Star)

4. “Plum Spooky” by Janet Evanovich (St. Martin’s)

5. “Street Game” by Christine Feehan (Jove)

6. “Black Ops” by W.E.B. Griffin (Jove)

7. “Vanishing Act” by Fern Michaels (Zebra)

8. “Terminal Freeze” by Lincoln Child (Anchor)

9. “Fire and Ice” by Julie Garwood (Ballantine)

10. “The Man You’ll Marry” by Debbie Macomber (Mira)


1. “A Reliable Wife” by Robert Goolrick (Algonquin)

2. “The Lovely Bones” by Alice Sebold (L.B./Black Bay)

3. “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” by Stieg Larsson (Vintage)

4. “Dear John” by Nicholas Sparks (Grand Central)

5. “The Blind Side” by Michael Lewis (Norton)

6. “True Colors” by Kristin Hannah (St. Martin’s Griffin)

7. “The Shack” by William P. Young (Windblown Media)

8. “Food Rules” by Michael Pollan (Penguin)

9. “Three Cups of Tea” by Greg Mortenson & David Oliver Relin (Penguin)

10. “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert (Penguin)