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Two chances to win your own doll

Sunday, February 21, 2010

In conjunction with the Angels of Easter Seals’ American Girl Fashion Show and Luncheon, The Vindicator is conducting both a contest and a drawing as two great opportunities to win an American Girl Doll.


The story of Molly McIntire, one of the first three historical characters of the American Girl product line, portrays a very lively and patriotic 9-year-old girl living in 1944. Part of the six-book series that tells her story focuses on her awareness of the sacrifices that were being made during the World War II era.

The Vindicator is giving young girls ages 8 to 12 in the area a chance to win their very own Molly McIntire doll by submitting a brief essay about their own awareness of sacrifices.

Girls, tell us in 100 words or fewer about a person in your life who makes sacrifices that make your own life better. It can be a parent or grandparent, brother or sister, friend or neighbor. Here’s a chance to acknowledge that person’s sacrifices for you.

Send your entry to:


Attn. Barb Shaffer, Society/Features Editor

P.O. Box 780

Youngstown, OH 44501

Or e-mail it to:

The deadline is Friday, March 5. Entries must include the girl’s name, age, city of residence and telephone number.

The winner will be notified Monday, March 8, and her winning entry will be printed in The Vindicator and online at on Sunday, March 14.

Some of the other entries the judges like will also be posted online.


If you don’t qualify for the writing contest, The Vindicator will also be giving adults 18 and older a chance to call in and enter a drawing for Julie Albright, a fun-loving San Francisco girl.

Watch for details in coming editions and online to see how you can enter.