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Be My Valentine?

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Photo by: Grace Wyler


Neighbors | Grace Wyler .Grace Min, 4, enjoys one-on-one time with children's librarian Jane Adams at the Canfield Public Library.


Photo by: Grace Wyler


Neighbors | Grace Wyler .Ashleigh Haas, 4, makes a Valentine's Day conversation heart at Canfield Public Library's "Creation Station."


Photo by: Grace Wyler


Neighbors | Grace Wyler .Chase Dailey, 4, and his mother Pamela stock up on DVDs before Tuesday's snowstorm at the Canfield Public Library.

Children and their parents flocked to the Canfield Public Library to partake in Valentine’s Day crafts and stock up on movies and books for the snowstorm on Tuesday.

Children’s librarian Jane Adams read books about Valentine’s Day during an interactive story time for children ages four and five.

Kids also made their own conversation hearts at the library’s Crazy Candy Hearts table.

Children were also encouraged to decorate ornaments for the library’s Valentine’s Day tree.

The hearts will be posted on the library’s teen board until the end of February.

The library hosts “Fun Time for Fours and Fives” on Tuesdays at 1:30 p.m. The program teaches pre-reading skills, including narration, print motivation and awareness, vocabulary and the alphabet.