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Some pre-election observations

Friday, April 30, 2010

Some pre-election observations

Although I am still loath to support the party that is intent on destroying my country through government control and slavery by entitlement, I recently have begun to doubt the logic of the local “Tea Party movement.” I can’t fathom the thought process of any person to have a convicted felon who stole huge sums from the taxpayers as a keynote speaker. I also am inclined to suspect the members of my own Republican Party who choose to appear with this crooked politician turned convict.

I know there is a group of people who are still under the spell of this “Silver-Tongued Devil,” but they are a very small percentage of the voters in the Mahoning Valley. They can be divided into two factions. The first says, “I know he was a crook, but they all are.” The second group says, “He is innocent and was framed by his enemies.” The latter faction are mentally unbalanced and should never be allowed within five miles of a polling place.

As to the endorsement of our local paper, I realize the management leans left and usually backs Democrats and incumbents, which makes most Valley voters happy, but to endorse a candidate who is almost certain to be proven to have conspired with the local millionaire kingmaker is a sign that our local justice system is broken.

I urge everyone who votes to consider my rule: one term and back to house work for all elected officials. If they didn’t have to consider what they must do to stay at the golden trough, they might make the good of the voters their number one priority.

Robert Husted, New Springfield

A plea for better signage

The Boardman Middle School (on Market Street) has a 20 mpg speed limit during “Restricted Hours.” Wouldn’t it be a better idea to post those hours (similar to the high school on Glenwood) so people would know what they are? Even better, how about a blinking yellow light during the restricted hours (similar to St. Charles Church on Route 224)?

Warren Ferrell, Poland