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Levy preserves what Liberty has

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Levy preserves what Liberty has

It is up to each voter in Liber- ty to vote yes to renew the emergency Liberty schools levy.

Times are hard, but there is no logical argument against it. No fancy new buildings are proposed, no expensive new programs are planned, no tax increase will result. It is simply a matter of keeping what we have from disappearing.

Because of recent experience, Liberty school officials unfortunately have to look at the worst case scenario.

Failure of the renewal levy would throw the school district in disarray. Board President Jeffrey Grinstein said under that scenario, the state would intervene and in effect take over operations of the district. “If this levy doesn’t pass, it will be a death knell to a township trying to turn itself around,” he said.

Some would argue that state control is exactly what is needed. Nothing could be further from the truth. If the renewal levy fails, we all suffer. The district will be forced to cut programs to state minimum requirements which do not even come close to preparing students for the demands of the 21st century. Entire educational experiences will be stripped, keeping only the basics of math, science, language arts, and social studies. Failure of the levy will be the end of classes in the high school and middle school to challenge exceptional students and give a helping hand to struggling students. Imagine 13 years of schooling without sports, music, drama or even electives! Where would you be today if you had not had the support of your community when you were a student?

Depriving students now only hurts everyone down the road. Their education suffers — and so do property values. Who would want to send their child to a school that only offers the bare minimum? Even voters without children in the school district stand to prosper from passing the levy. Data show that quality schools reduce crime and improve property values. The evidence is clear. Our property values will go down even further if we do not support our school!

The renewal levy asks voters to simply continue with what they are already providing in financial support for maintenance and operation of school programs and facilities. Your tax bill will not go up if the levy passes.

For the school levy to succeed, each voter has to accept his or her personal responsibility to vote yes. Educating all children benefits all of us. Educating all children takes all of us. Please vote yes for Liberty’s renewal levy on Tuesday.

Steven Baroff, Youngstown