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Sunday, April 25, 2010


Both vulnerable. South deals.


x7 3

uQ 5 3 2

v9 3 2

wA 10 5 3


x10 9 x8 5 4

uA J 9 uK 10 8 7

vK J 6 4 vQ 10 8

wJ 9 6 2 wK 8 4


xA K Q J 6 2

u6 4

vA 7 5

wQ 7

The bidding:


1x Pass 1NT Pass

3x Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: Two of w

All roads might not lead to Rome, but certainly some do. Before playing to the first trick, see if there is some hidden asset you can put to your advantage.

The auction was simple enough. North was dead minimum for his one-no-trump response and South had nothing to spare for his jump rebid.

West led a club, and declarer could count five losers. Given the club lead, there were now two tricks in the suit. But if East held the king, declarer had no way to get to dummy to make use of the ace of clubs.

However, there was one chance if West had started with the jack of clubs. When East produced the king of clubs, declarer jettisoned the queen. South won the diamond return with the ace, finessed the ten of clubs and, when that held, discarded a loser on the ace of clubs. Three spades bid and made!

2010 Tribune Media Services

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