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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Student participates just for kicks


Vindicator Correspondent

BOARDMAN — Four-year-old Andrew Swanson was named “Student of the Month” this past July at Master Park Martial Arts International, Route 224.

Andrew began karate in March at the urging of his mother, Korie Swanson of Boardman, because he showed a strong interest in karate.

“He would watch karate on TV and would try the moves at home, so I thought it would be a good way to use up some of his extra energy,” she said. “He’s hungry after practice is over and it’s time to go home for dinner. It also helps him to get a better night’s sleep.”

Master Park, Andrew’s instructor, said he was very shy when he first came, but after a couple of weeks, he adjusted to being in a group environment. “He opened up,” said Park. “He listens well and practices at home.”

Andrew, who attends preschool at Discover My World Day Care and Preschool, enjoys practicing by himself in the back yard.

Valuable lesson

Park says he believes it is important to teach children respect for parents and adults. The minute the children walk in, they give Park a high-five and are reminded to give their parents a hug and to thank them. From there, it’s time to concentrate and work hard.

“He loves to run, and class starts with running,” said Andrew’s mother, who chose Master Park’s because it was close to home and she had heard good things about the studio.

“It has helped him to be more disciplined and more independent,” she said. “He follows directions very well.”

“I like Master Park,” Andrew said.

Park said, “Andrew is very energetic, well-disciplined and full of confidence. He has good manners and good posture, and is gentle, handsome and always happy and smiling.”

After five months, Andrew achieved the level of Junior Yellow Belt.

He can demonstrate various punches, blocks, kicks, jumping kicks, forms, sparring, cartwheels and other martial-arts actions.

“I love doing the cartwheels and somersaults,” Andrew said. He wasn’t able to do them before.

Park said Andrew broke a board for his test and can run very fast.

Master Park teaches five to six classes each day with students ranging in age from 3 to 80-something.

“For me, it is not about the money,” he said. “They will change their lives, their communities, their country and our world. ... This is my mission.”

He explained that 90 percent of his students are straight-A students in school.

Park began his school 25 years ago after moving here from Korea. “This is the best country in the world,” he said.

Trained as an engineer, Park also volunteers at many schools (K-12), teaching discipline and respect through many aspects of the martial arts, and has also taught several sports teams at Youngstown State University. “I am teaching the value of life,” said Park. “These classes change lives.”

Park’s classes include Hapkiyudo, HiyaMoodo, JungsinMoodo as well as summer camp and an after-school program.