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Peace Race Tips: Run a happy face

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Peace Race training tip #9

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More tips from Peace Race president Jenn Wohlgamuth.

Week 9:


Throughout this series we haven’t talked about pace because I have felt that it is one of those things that we really don’t worry about until you are comfortable. Unfortunately, I am running out of weeks so we need to talk. By the way, can you talk while you are running? Aside from a GPS speed and distance monitor, talking is a great way to figure out if you are pacing properly. Rule of thumb, if you can carry on a conversation while running much like talking on the phone then you are working at an easy pace. If your conversation is a bit choppy, meaning you have to pause in between the details of last nights happenings then you are probably working in a comfortable but aerobic zone. If you are carrying on a conversation and you are needing to concentrate and formulate your words then you are reaching your threshold…slow down unless you are at the end of your run and wanting to push a bit. Can’t talk? Then that finish line better be in view! For the most part, I want you to converse or sing while you run! Good luck