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Society digest

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Champagne luncheon planned

WARREN — Warren Junior Women’s League/GFWC has begun planning its annual Champagne Luncheon for Nov. 20. The event has been anticipated by women of the community each year for 40 years. Proceeds benefit the Children’s Rehabilitation Center.

Each year champagne is served and there are opening remarks by the club president, the luncheon chairman, and the director of the center. Following lunch, there is a style show. A highlight of the event is the appearance of children from the center.

VFW Post 3332 collects items to send to troops

NEWTON FALLS — The Newton Falls Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3332 and the Ladies Auxiliary are collecting items for boxes to be mailed to military personnel over the holidays. Anyone who would like to donate items can take them to the VFW Post, 433 Arlington Road.

For those who have a family member or friend who is serving at home at overseas, drop off the name and address and the post will mail a care package to him or her. For more information call Wanda Thompson at (330) 219-2969 or the VFW post 332 at (330) 872-7318.

St. Rose School fundraiser

GIRARD — St. Rose School, 61 E. Main St. is selling its 2010 Entertainment Book as a fundraiser. The book is $25 and will be sold after Masses on Saturdays and after the 9:30 a.m. Mass and before the 11:30 a.m. Mass on Sundays during the months of September and October.

The books will also be available at the school and at the church rectory, 48 E. Main St.

St. Stephen anniversary

NILES — St. Stephen School has planned a 140th year celebration from 12:30 p.m. Oct. 25 at Ciminero’s Banquet Center. For information or reservation forms, call the school at (330) 652-5511 or contact and click on the file library tab. Reservations are due by Oct. 15.

Artists to create mosaic

NILES — Eastwood Mall will host a unique art works project during the fall and winter seasons.

During that time individual area artists will create 70 panels that will be assembled to create a 14x20 foot mosaic mural of the Mona Lisa.

The mall will host a public grand opening gala when the mural is installed.