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Carly Frazier to be bride of 1st Lt. Donathan

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Carly Frazier and Joshua Donathan

Announcing their engagement are Carly Frazier, 135 Westview Ave., Wadsworth, and 1st Lt. Joshua Donathan of Camp Pendleton, Calif.

Parents of the bride-elect are David and Susan Bednarski, 19259 Elyria Road, Medina.

Lt. Donathan is a son of James and Phyllis Donathan, 337 Susan Drive, Jefferson.

Miss Frazier graduated from Hocking College with an associate degree in health information management and is employed as a medical-coder at TeamHealth in Akron. She also is pursuing a degree in nursing at Wayne County Adult School of Practical Nursing.

Her fianc earned a bachelor’s degree in human dimension at Ohio State University. He is serving with the U.S. Marine Corps stationed at Camp Pendleton.

The couple’s wedding is being planned for spring 2010.