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Monday, October 26, 2009


Township stormwater projects still planned, using federal stimulus dollars (half of the cost will be covered with stimulus money and half through a 20-year Water Pollution Control Fund loan):

Boardman Lake detention basin, Phase 1, elimination of sanitary sewer backups: $22,500 from stimulus, $22,500 in loans.

Boardman Lake detention basin, Phase 2, to eliminate sanitary sewer infiltration/inflow: $500,000 stimulus, $500,000 in loans.

Aylesboro storm sewer replacement project, Phase 2, elimination infiltration/inflow to sanitary sewers: $100,000 in stimulus, $100,000 in loans.

Boardman Park stormwater detention basin, to eliminate sanitary sewer infiltration/inflow: $300,000 stimulus, $300,000 in loans.

Midwood Drive detention basin and storm sewer construction, to eliminate sanitary sewer infiltration/inflow: $150,000 stimulus, $150,000 loan.

Tara Drive/Alverne Drive stormwater detention basin, elimination of sanitary sewer infiltration/inflow: $250,000 stimulus, $250,000 loan .

Westview Drive detention basin and storm sewer, to eliminate sanitary sewer infiltration/inflow: $200,000 stimulus, $200,000 loan.

Source: Township officials and Vindicator files