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Ditzler, Davis in Austintown

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ditzler, Davis in Austintown

In a conversation with David Ditzler, it doesn’t take long to see that he doesn’t take anything about his job as an Austintown Township trustee casually. He’s knowledgeable as he talks about the progress that has been made to reduce township spending. And he’s realistic about the need to save more in the future, to promote economic development and to strive for regional cooperation, especially in the use of one of the district’s greatest assets, its water supply.

Ditzler, a 52-year-old sales manager for a metal-plating company, is seeking his fifth term as a trustee and earned The Vindicator’s endorsement in this election.

And the others are ...

Three others are also seeking two seats on the board of trustees that will be decided in the Nov. 3 election. They are Warren “Bo” Pritchard, 53, a lawyer and the other incumbent; Samuel Swoger III, a 61-year-old retiree who has run twice before, and James Davis, 32, a former deputy who went into the hospitality industry after cutbacks at the Mahoning County Sheriff’s Department.

We’re endorsing Davis, who is relatively young, but has experience in both police work and business and has been working part-time at the Milton Township Police District.

Swoger declined an invitation to an endorsement interview, and Pritchard indicated an interest in coming in, but it never came to pass.

Davis convinced us that he not only chose to live in Austintown, he wants to do his part to make it a better community.

Like Ditzler, he recognizes that the biggest challenge facing government in this area is funding and that the only route to prosperity is by attracting new business and providing a high level of service at the lowest possible cost.

The Vindicator endorses Ditzler and Davis because we believe they are equal to the task.