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Self-exams save lives

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Self-exams save lives


According to a recent government task force, women should wait until 50 to get a mammogram and then have one every two years. This conflicts with the American Cancer Society’s recommendation that you start at age 40, and have one every year. Also the task force stated that breast self-exams do no good, and women shouldn’t be taught to do them.

I couldn’t disagree with them more. I was diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago, because I discovered the lump myself. I very rarely ever examined myself, but something was telling me to do it. After I went to the doctor, I had two mammograms and nothing showed on either one. I had to have an ultrasound before it was found.

Who knows how many other women have experienced this? I strongly urge all women to self-exam once a month. This is just another example of how government has failed us.



Scouts appreciate help


Cub Scout Pack 100 would like to thank DeVine’s Shop N Save and Belmont Giant Eagle for allowing them to conduct a canned-goods drive at their stores. Without the help of the community this service project would not be a success. Thank you to everyone who donated. The need for these service projects are growing each year as our community suffers from the decline in the economy.

And thank you to all the scouts and their families who gave their time so freely to conduct this event.



X The writer was committee chairman and submitted this on behalf of Cub Scout Pack 100.

Focus on home security


It’s my personal opinion that if President Obama sends any more American soldiers into Afghanistan, he’ll be signing their death certificates.

Why? What began as a search and seizure for Osama bin Laden has turned into a war with no purpose and its own hidden agenda. Powerful military forces have waited to catch America unaware. Sending more of our own homeland defense can set America up to be in a weakened state of defense. As our military is attacked and overwhelmed overseas, we fall into enemy hands in our own country.

No one knows why this war is being fought anymore. Bin Laden has yet to be caught, and there will never be peace in the Middle East that military measures can bring about.

