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Both vulnerable. South deals.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Both vulnerable. South deals.


xK 9 7 4

uA 4 3

vJ 7 6

w7 6 3


xQ 10 5 3 xVoid

uQ 8 5 uJ 10 9 7

v10 8 5 v9 4 3

wQ 10 2 wK J 9 8 5 4


xA J 8 6 2

uK 6 2

vA K Q 2


The bidding:


2w Pass 2v Pass

2x Pass 3x Pass

4NT Pass 5u Pass

6x Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: Five of v

When we wrote about this deal a few weeks ago, we suggested that declarer win the first trick in hand and lead a low trump, simply covering whatever trump West plays. That will make the slam if West follows with a low trump. However, West can defeat the slam by inserting the ten of spades, and declarer must concede two tricks. Try it.

George Sheu of Chicago suggested a better line, combining a dummy reversal with our line. At trick two declarer must cash the ace of clubs before leading a low trump!

Now when West inserts the ten, declarer wins with the king, ruffs a club with the jack of trumps and now leads the eight of spades. West cannot do any better than win with the queen and continue with a trump, won in dummy. Declarer trumps the table’s remaining club, crosses to the ace of hearts and draws the last trump, discarding a heart from hand. Declarer takes three diamonds and the king of hearts to score 12 tricks and a well-played slam!

2009 Tribune Media Services