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Co-workers pick up slack for lazy employees

Friday, March 27, 2009

Dear Annie: I have been working at my present job for four years. It’s a good company that values its employees. In the past year, however, there have been some changes in my department, and not for the good.

There are certain employees who seem to get away with not doing any work. Some of these people socialize with my manager outside of the office. These are the same employees who, in the past, have complained that they don’t like the jobs they were hired to do, so our manager finds something trivial for them to do instead, leaving the rest of us to pick up the slack and meet the monthly production.

These lazy employees sit at their desks all day, play on their cell phones, surf the Internet, text friends or chat at other employees’ desks for long periods of time. They do occasional work, but nothing close to what the rest of us do.

What really bothers me is that some of these employees are making more money than I am. I have tried looking for other jobs, but in the current economy, jobs are scarce.

I have brought this up to my manager a few times, and her response is, “It’s being addressed. Just worry about yourself and your work.” Yet nothing changes. I have considered bringing it up to human resources and the vice president of our department, but I don’t want it to come back and bite me when I am up for my annual review.

What can I do about these freeloaders who waste company time and money? Frustrated in Florida

Dear Florida: Unless you are willing to report this to someone higher up the ladder, you are stuck. You cannot control how other employees behave. Do the best job you can, make sure your contributions are noticed and appreciated, and keep an eye open for better employment opportunities. Good luck.

Dear Annie: I am engaged to “Nick.” Eight years ago, Nick’s ex-wife moved out. According to the divorce decree, Nick owns the house. My problem is that his ex, although she owns her own home now, continues to use this address and our phone number.

Every week, I get junk mail addressed to her and phone calls that interrupt my day. I am irritated at being the address of record for her new bridge directory and alumni association. Nick says she has personality problems and there is nothing he can do to get her to stop.

I just threw out two letters addressed to her and intend to continue. I have been giving callers her phone number, but in the future I will simply say, “There is no one here by that name.” Any other suggestions? Tired of the Games

Dear Tired: You can mark letters “Not At This Address” and give them to your postal carrier. You can see if Caller ID is available in your area or let an answering machine screen your calls. You can change to an unlisted phone number.

If you think it constitutes harassment, you can file a complaint. Otherwise, we think you’re handling it just fine by pretending she doesn’t exist.

Dear Annie: I hope you’re getting tons of comments from women about the lack of nice clothes available to us. Maybe manufacturers will listen.

I exercise regularly, keep my hairstyle up to date, work full time and want to look nice. But I’m also over 50 and post-menopausal, with jiggly arms and a less-than-flat stomach. I don’t want to look like a slut, and I don’t want to wear loud, flowery muumuus, either. I’m not willing to buy fancy designer outfits, but I make a good living and have money to buy all the clothes I want. The stores should be bursting with styles for us baby boomers. Aren’t there any women designers who know what it’s like to be over 50? Laura

Dear Laura: Sure, but designing for those bodies apparently doesn’t have the same cachet. But it could certainly make someone a lot of money.

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