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No garden needed for this lesson on flour

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dear Heloise: What is the difference between plain and all-purpose flour? Both can be purchased at the grocery store, and usually recipes call for one or the other. Is there any difference? G.B., Russellville, Ala.

This is a good question, and one that many new cooks ask! There are many different types of flours, so it can be confusing! However, plain and all-purpose flours are the same, and may also be referred to as “regular” flour in recipes. This flour is used in most types of baking. It is a blend of hard and soft wheats, and it has a higher gluten content than cake flour or pastry flour. Recipes will usually specify if a different type of flour should be used. Heloise

Dear Heloise: Here is a great way to save time when cutting celery. Do not separate celery from the stalk. Rinse under cool water, shake off and put a rubber band around the top. Lay it on a cutting board and cut through all the stalks. Cut as much and as thick as you need, and leave the rubber band on afterward. Glenda Biddix, Kings Mountain, N.C.

Glenda, a timesaving hint indeed. However, please be sure all of the celery is rinsed well, including the inner stalks. Heloise

Dear Heloise: I bought a small, double-sided tabletop grill and love using it to “grill” foods. The cleaning process is a little time-consuming, so I wanted to make it easier. After the meal, I reheat the grill and then turn it off (and unplug it). I take a double layer of paper toweling and lay it on the grill. I pour vinegar on and saturate the towel, then close the lid. I let it cool, and cleaning is just a breeze. I simply wipe it clean — this takes very little effort, and the grill stays sparkling-clean. S. Solomon, via e-mail

Thanks for sharing your hint with my readers. Vinegar has so many safe uses around the house, you just might be surprised! If you would like to learn easy, money-saving, simple cleaning and cooking hints using vinegar, order my Heloise’s Fantabulous Vinegar Hints and More. To receive this six-page pamphlet crammed full of helpful hints, just send $5 and a long, self-addressed, stamped (61 cents) envelope to: Heloise/Vinegar, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. Vinegar also does a great job on discolored aluminum pots. Just add 1 cup of water and 1 cup of vinegar to the pot and boil the stains away. Heloise

Dear Heloise: To save money these days, reuse plastic zipper-top bags (except those that are greasy or were used for raw meat, fish or poultry). Just wash them thoroughly, rinse and dry with a dish towel. Dorothy, San Antonio

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