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Registration deadline nearing for Howland Safety Town

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

HOWLAND — Howland Fire Department is offering a Safety Town for children entering kindergarten in the fall. Safety Town is a realistic, child-sized town designed to provide hands-on safety education for children. The program teaches children how to be safe at home, school and play. The program will take place Aug. 10-12 at Howland Springs School and Aug. 13, 14 and 17 at Howland Glen School.

The children will be instructed on pedestrian, school bus, fire, seat belt, pet, water, poison, bike and gun safety. They will also learn about calling 911 and dealing with strangers. Activities include a ride on a school bus. The highlight of the week is a graduation ceremony on the last day.

There is no charge for Howland residents. The fee for non-residents is $30. Registration forms are available at Howland Fire Department, 169 Niles-Cortland Road NE. Registration deadline is July 1. Contact Inspector Kelly McGilton at (330) 856-5022 for more information.