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IUE betrayed by Obama

Friday, July 31, 2009

IUE betrayed by Obama


The Treasury’s auto task force is President Obama’s auto task force. Our president appointed the tax cheat Timothy Geithner as head of Treasury. Our President approves of Steve Rattner, who is under investigation for his involvement in a kickback scandal at a state pension fund, to be his Auto Czar. Mr. Harry Wilson, a 37 year old retired hedge fund star, a leader on President Obama’s auto task force “deals and diligence” team, becomes a key Treasury voice.

Quoting from “Retirees are Road Kill in Rush to Sell GM” on the Web site: “Treasury’s auto task force decided to strip more than 50,000 GM retirees of their right to health care....”

President Obama’s auto task force choose one union over all others. The problem is not the UAW. The problem is not GM. The problem is that we were betrayed by President Obama’s auto task force. It was the continual and direct pressure on GM that gave GM cover to take the health insurance away from over 40,000 IUE-CWA GM retirees. The hypocrisy of our government shouldn’t surprise anyone.

A partial answer to our anger and pain is to take a political vow to never vote for any national politician, Democrat or Republican, who was in office when they allowed President Obama’s auto task force to betray over 40,00 IUE-CWA retirees. Politicians need to feel some of our anger and pain. We need to apply political pressure on those who allowed us to be betrayed.

