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Mercer Co. Army wife gets jail time for having sex with boy, 14

Thursday, July 30, 2009

MERCER, Pa. (AP) — A Pennsylvania Army wife will spend six months to two years in jail for having sex with a 14-year-old boy last year.

Mercer County prosecutors learned about the tryst from Ashley Moore’s husband, Army Pfc. Tucker Moore. He sent an e-mail to authorities that he received overseas from his wife last year, confessing the affair.

The soldier defended his now 20-year-old wife at her sentencing Wednesday, saying the Grove City couple married two years ago but spent only a couple of months together before he shipped out. He was in South Korea when he got the e-mail last year.

Ashley Moore told the judge she cheated on her husband after she discovered he was having an affair overseas.

The judge reminded the Moores that the 14-year-old was the victim in the case.