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Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong

Monday, July 27, 2009

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong


I have watched the confirmation hearings of Sonia Sotomayor and I have come with up four reasons she shouldn’t be confirmed.

X She is comprehensively opposed to the death penalty for convicted first degree murderers.

X 2 She supports giving voting rights to convicted murderers who are sill serving time in prison.

X She favors state hood for Puerto Rico which would increase the danger of America ceasing to be an exclusively English language country.

X She has been a member of La Raza, many of the leaders of which favor amnesty for illegal aliens and the return of the southwest United States to Mexico.

She will probably be confirmed and when she votes totally the wrong way on a specific issue of importance to the American people, don’t blame her, blame the senators who confirmed her.


Hermitage, PA