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Obama has a chance to make a difference

By John C. Bersia

Thursday, January 22, 2009

By John C. Bersia

As President Obama takes America’s helm, I recall a poignant, recent cover of The Economist that featured him, striding with determination, underneath a simple headline: “It’s time.”

Indeed, it is. And, with this nation confronting one of the most chaotic and dangerous periods in history, it is also time for critics, naysayers, pessimists and other purveyors of negativism to pause — at least for now. Let us allow Obama the customary presidential honeymoon. And let us demonstrate some serious, bipartisan cooperation and enthusiasm. We all would benefit.

Unfortunately, long before Obama had entered office, he faced a flood of complaints for his so-called “failures.” One was his “failure” to move quickly enough to resolve America’s economic crisis. Another was his “failure” to step up to international challenges, such as the reignited Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Rubbish. The failure belongs to those tossing peanuts, for Obama was not in charge until Inauguration Day. As president, he — like all of his predecessors — will likely fail more often than he succeeds. But he has failed at nothing so far, which brings us to the matter of possibilities.

Great and exaggerated expectations permeate the nation and understandably so. The American people have been swept up in a tempest of conflict, recession, uncertainty and fear that has no tangible end in sight. They want and need a hero. Obama can and should serve in that role, although he is neither a deity nor a magician.


Georgetown University presidential-studies scholar Stephen Wayne, author of “The Road to the White House 2008,” says that “Obama is trying to keep hope alive and lower expectations, not an easy thing to do simultaneously.” However, what he has going for him is that people really wish for him to succeed, most international leaders truly want him to change the substance and process of U.S. foreign policy, he is very lucky and things probably cannot get worse, Wayne suggests.

Quite frankly, we must realize that Obama has limitations imposed by economic realities and the tumultuous world in which we live. Further, we must accept that he is but a man. Creative, patient, intelligent, vigorous, reflective, persistent, capable and perceptive, yes, but a man. And in every direction, the challenge is formidable. I do not envy him.

That said, Obama does have a chance to make a significant difference if he governs skillfully. He deserves ample room to maneuver, lead, inform, inspire and prescribe — particularly in setting a foundation during his first 100 days. Wayne expects that we will see a whirlwind of activity early on, the market will rise and good marks will come from the news media. In the long term, Wayne asks, “Yes, he can, but will he?”

I believe so. At the very least, I suspect that by the end of the first 100 days, America and the world will have something worth grasping and appreciating. Ideally, it will include:

UA soaring vision. The proper grand design would provide multiple rays of hope, a spirit-raising sense of renewal and a realistic awareness that prepares Americans for the unexpected no matter what happens. Motivated by Obama’s infectious, can-do credo, artful use of symbolism, powerful oratory and legendary coolness, this objective could provide the necessary political and social glue for the difficult days ahead.

UA robust recovery plan. Although such a strategy will require time to implement, the sheer size of what is being contemplated and organized should provide a fair amount of immediate relief for the economy and inject some necessary confidence. Just as important, the plan has the potential — with the right guiding hand — to launch a slow-building but eventually massive tide of development and re-development, job creation and other opportunities.

UA stronger global partnership. The world — a rapidly changing, unpredictable place with legions of troublemakers and innumerable threats — would stand a better chance of securing peace and stability if its responsible players, which make up the vast majority, were to set aside their differences and work in a constructive, multilateral fashion. Obama should lead the way by redefining America according to the standards and behaviors that historically won this country admiration and support.

For those accomplishments to occur, we must allow the new president a proper honeymoon and join together for the good of the country. It is time.

X John C. Bersia, who won a Pulitzer Prize in editorial writing for the Orlando Sentinel in 2000, is the special assistant to the president for global perspectives at the University of Central Florida. Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.