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Clean paws after an outdoor romp

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Dear Readers: It’s snowy and can be wet and cold, but that doesn’t stop your dog from wanting to play outside! No one wants a wet dog running through the house, but your floor and furniture are not your only concerns. There could be dangerous chemicals, salt or other substances on your dog’s paws from the street or sidewalk. Your pet might lick these off, which could cause serious health problems. So, be sure to wipe your dog’s paws!

Also, keep a couple of old towels and sheets in the trunk of your vehicle during the winter in case you have to dry your dog off for the ride home. They will protect the interior, too. Heloise

Dear Readers: Did you know that there is such a thing as a pet trust? There is, and it’s a great way to be sure your pet or pets will be cared for if you become disabled or die. A trust is legal and binding, and provides peace of mind if you’re worried about what would happen to your beloved pets if you are not able to take care of them.

Also, if you live alone, leave a key to your home with a neighbor or family member so you can be sure your pet will be fed and cared for if you are unexpectedly hospitalized or have some other emergency. Heloise

Dear Heloise: I have a small cat, and one of her fun things to do is unroll an entire roll of toilet paper onto the bathroom floor. We cured this problem by reversing the roll of toilet paper. Now the paper comes out from the backside of the roll. So, when Ginger paws the TP, instead of unrolling all over the floor, the paper remains on the roll. Gordon Castle, Corona, Calif.

Dear Readers: Rosemarie Edelbach of Barnegat, N.J., sent a photo of her beautiful Siamese-mix cat named Asiash Blue, sitting pretty in a chair, alert and ready for the doorbell to ring. She runs down the hall to greet her visitor. Check out my Web site, Click on “Pets” to visit the Pet Pal page. Heloise

Dear Heloise: I read your column about gerbils, and I wanted to add a couple of things. If you live in an apartment and are looking for a pet, then a gerbil might be perfect for you. Gerbils are very active and social, so you should really get two of the same sex when they are young. They won’t breed, will get along well and will entertain each other and you for hours on end. Scott, Bozeman, Mont.

Dear Heloise: Our dog Roxee isn’t a fan of dry dog food, but we found that by adding a small amount of canned food and mixing it well, she loves it. A little goes a long way, so it’s easy on the budget. Patrick Conley, Colville, Wash.

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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