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If a Tree Falls on Your House ... |Will your insurer hear it?

Friday, February 27, 2009

If a Tree Falls on Your House ... |Will your insurer hear it?

Information about filing insurance claims:

If a tree hits a home or other insured structure such as a detached garage, standard home insurance policies provide coverage for the damage the tree does to the structure and the contents within it.

Coverage is generally limited to trees felled by a windstorm, hail, weight of ice, snow or sleet.

If a tree hits an insured structure, there will also be coverage for the cost of removing the tree, generally up to about $500 to $1,000 — depending on the insurer and the policy purchased. Some insurance companies may also pay for the cost of removing a tree if the felled tree blocks a driveway or a ramp designed to assist the handicapped.

If a neighbor’s tree was in poor health or not properly maintained, the policyholder’s insurer may try to collect from the neighbor’s insurer in a process called subrogation. If the insurer is successful, the homeowner may be reimbursed for the deductible.

Cars damaged or destroyed by falling trees are covered under the comprehensive portion of an auto insurance policy.

Source: Insurance Information Institute, a nonprofit, communications organization supported by the insurance industry.