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America needs leaders who will do more than talk

Sunday, February 22, 2009


was intrigued by Star Parker’s reference to “Uncle Sam’s Plantation” in her Feb. 8 column. Her thoughts really hit home as Congress debated and passed President Obama’s stimulus package. Parker validates how less-advantaged Americans are victimized by “entitlement mentality.” Many Americans find themselves oppressed by lack of confidence and self-worth; controlled by the very institution that promised to save them from their plight. She further validates the rapid increase of those dependent on the fFederal government.

Far too many Americans are trying NOT to get kicked-off of “Uncle Sam’s Plantation.” The chasm between those who can and cannot care for themselves is swiftly growing. Robert Reich, Clinton’s Secretary of Labor, cited this as one of the most serious issues facing America. Reich stated that the growing number of those dependent on the government’s care places enormous strain on our nation’s resources.

Now, in the face of economic crisis, a new group of Americans are being added to the “entitlement” group — middle class Americans who were once self-sustaining. Their company may have gone out of business, they can’t find work, and now their home is at risk while $18 billion from the banking bailout goes toward CEO bonuses. If not addressed, soon those who can care for themselves will not be able to care for those who can’t.

The answer is simple — real leadership. Not the rhetoric we’ve come to accept, but transformational leadership that motivates people to believe in themselves and others. Most Americans would rather care for themselves, but many have simply been led astray. They were encouraged to trust a movement that sought to redistribute the nation’s wealth, except disadvantaged Americans are not receiving it. Rather, it’s going into government coffers through excessive spending required to manage a huge entitlement-minded bureaucracy and to the mega-wealthy who lead corporations and financial institutions. After receiving handouts rather than opportunities, many have lost self-confidence, pride, and sense of responsibility.

Americans have shown throughout history the ability to overcome. But, we need the right kind of leadership. Congress’ idea of stimulus is to take and spend more of your money — and they’re mortgaging our children’s future in the process. Real stimulus is putting money back in your pockets — THAT will revitalize the economy and the spirit of America. Transformational leadership creates opportunities rather than handouts. It engages individuals in the process, who see the effects of their contributions.

America is in desperate need of transformational leaders who do more than talk and follow the political trend of the day, and needs a resurgence of leadership based on service before self and a passion to create opportunities that will restore self-confidence. If we want Americans to move off of “Uncle Sam’s Plantation” and to build their own, we need to protect the American Dream. Only truly transformational leadership can accomplish this.

