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A revolution in printing

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Since we are being told that our economic problem can be solved by spending another few trillion we don’t have, I have a simple solution. It is based on one premise. The government doesn’t need to acquire money by taxes, it just prints the money it wants. The purported goal of this is to save all Americans.

So, I have a simpler solution. We just let every family print their own money. We get everyone the software to print money. Foreclosure, pending? Print the money to bring the loan current. You’re out of debt and the banks have a paid loan. Want a new car so you can help the auto companies? Just print $30-$35,000 and head for the dealer. Credit card debt — no problem — print the money and head for the mall for more stuff.

We could make this a corporate thing too. GM could print what it needs to pay bills or even give out raises. Everything is solved!

In summary, I’m sure someone is going to be a naysayer — a downer — and state why this won’t work. I guess they’d be right. But my question is, what difference does it make WHO prints money they DON’T HAVE? Just a thought.

