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Neither vulnerable. East deals.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Neither vulnerable. East deals.


xA J 8 7 4

uK Q 7 6

v8 4

wK Q


xK 9 2 xQ 10 5

uA J 10 5 4 u8 2

v9 6 vA 10 3

w9 8 6 wA J 10 7 2


x6 3

u9 3

vK Q J 7 5 2

w5 4 3

The bidding:


1w 2v 2u 3v

Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: Nine of v

More and more, the ACBL North American Championships are becoming major international events. The Fall tournament in Boston was no exception, with players from all the continents. Sitting East-West on this deal from the Victor Mitchell Board-a-Match Teams were Tommy Garvey of Ireland and David Bakhski of England.

Over East’s opening bid South made a weak jump overcall in diamonds. West bid his hearts and North bravely raised his partner’s diamonds with a doubleton, ending the auction.

West led the nine of diamonds, ducked to declarer’s king. Declarer led the nine of hearts, covered with the ten and won in dummy. A spade from the table was taken by East’s ten and the defender made the fine shift to a club to dummy’s queen.

Declarer continued by cashing the ace of spades and ruffing a spade to set up the suit. A heart was led, but West shot up with the ace, led a trump to his partner’s ace and East was able to cash two club tricks for a one-trick set.

2009 Tribune Media Services