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North-South vulnerable. North deals.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

North-South vulnerable. North deals.


x8 5 4

uA 9 3

vA K Q 7

wQ 10 7


xK 10 xJ 3

uK Q 10 7 6 4 uJ 8 5

vJ 10 8 5 v9 4 2

w4 wA K 9 8 6


xA Q 9 7 6 2


v6 3

wJ 5 3 2

The bidding:


1v Pass 1x 2u

Pass Pass 2x Pass

3x Pass 4x Pass

Pass Pass

Opening lead: Four of w

When faced with a choice, play the card you are known to have. You would be surprised how effective that can be.

North passed on the second round of the auction with his balanced minimum. However, when South could bid again, North raised to three spades and South ventured on to game.

With a heart lead declarer would have had an easy ride. Declarer would win in dummy, take the safety play of a trump to the ace, return to dummy with a diamond and lead another spade. The defenders would be limited to two club tricks and a trump.

However, West selected his singleton club. East won with the king and ace and led a third club. Since the bidding and play to the first two tricks marked West for the missing high cards, the defender elected to ruff with his majesty! The heart return was taken with dummy’s ace.

South paused to consider the situation. Was it likely that West had started with two singletons? Since he had bid vulnerable with only 9 or 10 points in high cards, South decided that extreme distribution was certainly possible. To pick up East’s presumed J 10 3 of spades, declarer now led a low spade and, when East followed with three, he let the four ride. West’s 10 was the setting trick.

All of which goes to prove that the two players sitting to your right and left do not have your best interests at heart!

SCrt 2009 Tribune Media Services