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Dancer wins stay at house used to film ‘A Christmas Story’

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

CLEVELAND (AP) — A male exotic dancer and former reality TV contestant gets to spend a couple of nights living like Ralphie, in the Cleveland house used for the movie “A Christmas Story.”

The experience is a “major award” for Billy Jeffrey, who says he’s obsessed with the 1983 film. He won his stay in the house by bidding $4,200 in an online charity auction and was scheduled to make his sleepovers Monday and Tuesday nights.

The house in Cleveland’s Tremont neighborhood is now a tourist attraction.

Jeffrey has toured as a Chippendales exotic dancer and was a cast member on the ABC reality TV series “True Beauty” last winter. He said Monday it was his first visit to Cleveland.

The “major award” in “A Christmas Story” is the movie’s iconic leg lamp.

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