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Kill the health-care bill

Friday, December 18, 2009

Kill the health-care bill


I have always understood that America is the beacon of free enterprise throughout the world. The profit motive has always been the greatest way to bring prosperity to the greatest number of people. The health care bill seems to be an attempt to socialize our health care system.

The Democrats say everything but what they really want. Their talking points are that it will save lives, it will save money, and the insurance companies make too much profit and so on. The 2000 page bill attempts to control not only the health care system, but also every aspect of our lives.

The generation of Americans that fought and contributed to the struggle for freedom for all Americans must not be the losers. They paid into Social Security and Medicare so that they will be secure into their senior years. That money was not to be put into the general fund or borrowed by an irresponsible government. We would be in far better shape if we had control of that system. We could not trust them then and we cannot trust them now.

There are many ways to reform health care within the free market system. We cannot give our government this much power.

