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Neither vulnerable. South deals.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Neither vulnerable. South deals.


xA K Q

u10 8 7

vQ 4

w6 5 4 3 2


x5 4 3 2 xJ 7 6

u2 u6 5 4 3

vJ 8 7 6 vK 10 5

wK Q 10 9 wJ 8 7


x10 9 8

uA K Q J 9

vA 9 3 2


The bidding:


1u Pass 1NT Pass

3v Pass 4u Pass

6H Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: Two of u

A sound six-heart contract was imperiled by a trump opening lead, but there was more than one road to 12 tricks, as South proved.

North’s one no trump followed by a jump in hearts showed a limit raise or better with only three trumps. South wasted no time in getting to the excellent slam.

Without a trump lead, declarer can duck a diamond, ruff two diamonds and claim. After the lead, however, the defenders can foil that by returning a trump after winning the diamond. Instead, declarer elected to play for a dummy reversal.

South carefully won the opening lead with the jack of hearts and cashed the ace of clubs. Declarer used his three spades to ruff three clubs high. The nine of trumps was led to the ten, and West’s spade discard was a sore blow.

All was not lost, however. Dummy’s remaining trump was cashed and the 13th club was led. East had a choice of ways in which to commit suicide. Down to K 10 of diamonds and a trump, he could either ruff and lead away from the king of diamonds, or else unguard his majesty. Either way, one trick was all the defense could collect.

2009 Tribune Media Services