A nonprofit organization used a public opinion survey to come up with these recommendations for the

A nonprofit organization used a public opinion survey to come up with these recommendations for the city school board:

Meet or exceed state and federal reading and graduation rate standards within five years.

Establish successful home-school-community partnership at every school.

Encourage legal guardians to use their resources to ensure children are socially prepared, respectful of school rules and environment and ready to learn.

Acknowledge and value the legal guardian as an equal partner in the education of their children.

De-politicize the classroom education.

Develop and implement transparent accountability strategies to increase trust between the community and the board.

Establish a positive, warm, respectful and welcoming environment at every level and venue.

Ensure that positive rhetoric of the board and staff outweighs the negative.

Develop a best social and academic practice strategic plan to achieve a state rating of academic excellence by 2013.

Stop the degrading criminalization of pupils who have no criminal background.

Ensure that all police officers treat pupils with dignity and respect and receive proper psycho-social-cultural youth development training.

Ensure that all pupils have books to take home.

Ensure that legal guardians and pupils have a syllabus for all courses.

Academic classroom teachers should be encouraged to refer pupils with social issues to their legal guardian, counselor or other community resource.

Underperforming classroom teachers should be given assistance and due process to improve and be terminated if they don’t improve.

Source: FAMILY Empowerment Student Achievement Institute