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Both vulnerable. South deals.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Both vulnerable. South deals.


x7 4 3

uA 10 6 4

vA 10

wJ 10 4 2


xA Q 10 9 8 6 xK J

uK Q 9 5 3 uJ 7

v9 6 vQ J 7 5 4 3 2

wVoid w8 3


x5 2

u8 2

vK 8

wA K Q 9 7 6 5

The bidding:


1w 2w Dbl 2v

3NT Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: Ace of x

When this deal was played in a national team championship, East showed impressive faith in partner’s bidding and opening lead to come up with a superlative defense.

West’s cue-bid of clubs was a major-suit takeout and North’s double showed values. South decided to gamble on partner having a stopper in both majors and essayed three no trump.

Had West led a low spade, this deal would have been consigned rapidly to the annals of lunacy at the bridge table. But thinking there was a chance that one of his opponents might have a singleton king of spades, West elected to attack with the ace of spades! The fate of the contract hung in the balance.

To East it was obvious that South’s jump to game was based on a long, running trump suit. That meant than West had no quick entry back to hand and that, unless spades could be run, declarer would have an easy nine tricks. There was only one way to beat the hand — East jettisoned the king of spades under the ace!

That made life easy for West, who had reached the same conclusion about declarer’s holding. Unless the jack of spades was coming down, there was no hope. So West continued with the queen of spades and, when the jack came down, equity was restored — the defense collected the first six tricks.

Isn’t it wonderful to have a trusting partner?

2008 Tribune Media Services