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Both vulnerable. North deals.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Both vulnerable. North deals.


xA K 7 5

uA 7

v10 4

wQ 8 7 4 3


xQ J 6 4 x10 9

uQ 10 6 5 2 u9 8 4

vA Q 5 vJ 8 7 2

w2 wJ 10 9 6


x8 3 2

uK J 3

vK 9 6 3

wA K 5

The bidding:


1w Pass 1v Pass

1x Pass 3NT Pass

Pass Pass

Opening lead: Five of u

More often than not, bridge is a relatively simple game. Isolate the problem, and the solution is often easy to spot.

The bidding is routine. With a balanced 14 points facing an opening bid, South proceeded to three no trump on being assured that the spade suit was not going to be a problem.

West led the five of hearts and declarer could count nine tricks — if clubs broke 3-2; if they were 4-1, declarer would need three heart tricks. That created an entry problem.

Declarer found a pretty solution to his dilemma. He ran the opening lead to his hand, winning with the jack, cashed the ace of clubs, crossed to the ace of hearts, in the process unblocking the suit, and continued with a low club. When East produced the nine, declarer allowed it to hold.

A diamond allowed West to score the queen, but declarer was in control. The defender shifted to the queen of spades, taken in dummy. A club to the king unblocked the suit, the king of hearts was cleared and declarer returned to dummy with the remaining high spade to cash the clubs and claim his nine tricks.

2008 Tribune Media Services