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Valley U.S. House reps target health care, economy, Iraq in new term

By David Skolnick

Sunday, November 23, 2008

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Charlie Wilson

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U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan of Niles

By David Skolnick

YOUNGSTOWN — Providing health insurance coverage for more children and starting to withdraw troops from Iraq will be among the first accomplishments of the Barack Obama administration, the two U.S. House members who represent the Mahoning Valley say.

On Jan. 20, Democrats will control the White House and both houses of Congress simultaneously for the first time since 1994.

“The American people have high expectations for us, and they should,” said U.S. Rep. Charlie Wilson, of St. Clairsville, D-6th, who represents all of Columbiana County and a portion of Mahoning County. “It puts us under pressure, but I enjoy it. America needs leadership, and I’m so proud to be part of that team.”

An increase in funding for the State Children’s Health Insurance Program is something that will be done shortly after Obama takes office, said Wilson and U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan of Niles, D-17th.

The program gives federal money to states to cover uninsured children, typically in families with moderate incomes who aren’t eligible for Medicaid.

Congress approved a bill twice last year to double the $5 billion currently spent on the program, but President George W. Bush vetoed both bills.

Also, Ryan and Wilson support Obama’s plan to withdraw most troops from Iraq over a 17-month period and say they expect the process to begin shortly after the new president takes office.

“We have to wind it down in Iraq because we can’t afford to stay there financially,” said Ryan, whose district includes portions of Mahoning and Trumbull counties. “My hope is the American people give Barack Obama a chance, and there continues to be a recognition that there are serious problems that we need to deal with, but it takes time.”

Pulling out of Iraq would help the struggling economy because the war there costs about $10 billion a month, he said.

Read the full story in The Vindicator and on on Monday.