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Farm subsidies, sure thing; help automakers, no way

Friday, November 21, 2008

Farm subsidies, sure thing; help automakers, no way


I am a retired Delphi employee. The current economic conditions have opened the door for the Republican Party to destroy the UAW. I have noticed the same negative talking points being utilized by all members of the Senate who represent the Republican Party. They are all singing from the same sheet music.

The urgency to restructure labor agreements, lower wages, decrease benefits, lower living standards, etc. can be done quicker when the union has been weakened. The GOP wants to seize this opportunity to punish those who have not voted for them. Bankruptcy applications by the auto manufacturers will accelerate this process.

No mention has made by these people of recent innovations and work rule changes that the UAW has provided the manufacturers with to establish a partnership rather than the adversarial role of the past.

This is the same political party that supported privatization of our Social Security. I ask everyone to carefully analyze the motive of the individual or political party that takes a strong position on any issue and repeats the same talking points.

The minority party’s agenda is very transparent. You need only to look at the areas of the country where they are popular, but don’t mention taking away the generous farm subsidies the GOP proudly supports. Was there this much negative talk when the banks came begging for $700 billion? Of course not, free trade was at stake.

I don’t expect a unanimous agreement with any idea submitted to the Senate, but when all members in opposition sing the same tune it sends up a red flag.


Fort Myers, Fla.

It’s all about greed


The real problem with America is greed and selfishness and lack of responsibility. Our country is now reaping what it has sown.

The government owes money and continues to borrow more and more. Americans buy houses and cars they can’t afford and buy these things with money that isn’t theirs.

Companies are greedy and want more and more money. Workers and unions continue to want more money and benefits and thereby raise the cost of living of those who can least afford it.

People are greedy, disrespectful, lazy, and selfish. The churches are empty and people say they believe in God but deny him in every area of their lives.

Pornography, cursing, disgusting movies and TV programs pervert the children. Good is called evil and evil is called good. God is judging America and it will be destroyed if our leaders and people don’t repent and turn from these wicked ways. Jesus is watching. Just what will America do now?



An ugly takeover


The proposed takeover of National City Bank of Cleveland by PNC Financial Services of Pittsburgh is vulgar. It is being enabled with government funds and the reasons behind the proposed takeover are questionable.

Washington is creating winners and losers. All of Ohio loses if National City Bank is allowed to be cherry-picked out of Ohio.

