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Both vulnerable. West deals.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Both vulnerable. West deals.


xA 9

uJ 9 8 6 5

v10 9 8 4 2



x8 4 3 xQ 10 5 2

uQ 10 7 uA 2

vK Q J 3 v6 5

wK 9 6 wJ 8 7 3 2


xK J 7 6

uK 4 3

vA 7

wA 10 5 4

The bidding:


Pass Pass Pass 1NT

Pass 2v Pass 2u

Pass 2NT Pass 3u

Pass 4u Pass Pass


Opening lead: King of v

Here’s your opportunity to test your skill on a deal from a European Championship match between England and the Czech Republic. Cover the East-West hands and decide how you would play after the lead of the king of diamonds.

North’s two-diamond response was a transfer to hearts and two no trump was invitational. When South showed at least three hearts, North opted for game on the strength of his distribution.

Declarer won the opening lead of the king of diamonds with the ace and returned a diamond to West’s jack. When West shifted to the seven of hearts to cut down dummy’s ruffing power, East rose with the ace and returned a heart.

Since there were 10 tricks if diamonds were 3-3, declarer rose with the king of hearts, fetching the ten from West, crossed to the ace of spades and led a diamond. When the suit split 4-2, the contract could not be made.

Declarer could have combined his line with another. After winning the king of hearts, declarer should cash the ace of clubs and ruff a club in dummy. Now when declarer ruffs a diamond and discovers the break, he can ruff another club on the table, cash the ace of spades and take the spade finesse. When that wins, declarer cashes the king of spades for his ninth trick and then leads any black card from hand to score dummy’s last trump en passant.

2008 Tribune Media Services