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Friends of Park seek volunteers in Beaver Twp.

By Virginia Ross

Monday, March 31, 2008

By Virginia Ross

The group meets periodically to plan various fund-raising efforts.

NORTH LIMA — Now that spring has arrived and warmer weather is just around the corner, Beaver Township’s Friends of the Park group is looking to get to work.

The group, made up of area residents who donate their time and energy to cleanup and beautification efforts in the township, is looking for individuals or groups willing to help with various activities through spring and summer.

“We accept any help we can get,” said Fran Osborne, a member of the group. “The nice thing is that volunteers can give as much time as they want or as little time as they can to what we’re doing.”

The group was established last year to provide support for the Beaver Township Park Board, which oversees activities in the township’s parks and at its nature preserve.

Projects include planting flowers and trees and decorating for holiday activities. The group also meets periodically to plan various fund-raising efforts. Members have gathered to create and sell crafts with the proceeds going to activities sponsored by the park board.

Osborne said volunteers are welcome to participate in the activities they are interested in most.

“Some people like planting flowers, so they might just come out and join us for that,” she said. “Other people are more into crafts. Some people volunteer to help sell the crafts. It just depends on what you can and want to do. We appreciate it all.”

Osborne said the group has some 50 active members. But as activities in the township increase, so do the demands.

The township sponsors a summer concert series, summer day camp program, community corn roast, fall craft show, Halloween party and a Christmas tree-lighting ceremony, among other events.

“And there are a lot of ideas we have for additional activities,” said Scott Conway, township park administrator. “But like anything, there’s a lot of work involved. We really appreciate our volunteers and the contribution they make to the township.”

Osborne is hoping to add more names to the list of volunteers. She said typically group members will contact volunteers to keep them updated on meetings, activities and work that needs to be done.

“We don’t pressure anyone,” she said. “We just let them know what’s going on, and if they can make it, great. If not, then maybe next time. Any little bit is appreciated and we’re glad to have the help anytime we can get it. Whenever you’re available and whatever you’’re available to do, we’ll take it. If you have any free time to give us, we’ll take it.”

To obtain more information about township activities or to join Friends of the Park, call the park line at (330) 549-9552.