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President Obama would deserve better company

Friday, March 28, 2008

President Obama would deserve better company


I heard Sen. Obama’s Philadelphia speech on March 18 and was very impressed. He used his comprehensive intellect to write a message that will be remembered through the ages. He delivered that message persuasively as only a great speaker can.

He would like to become president. I have no idea why. With the likes of Lyndon Johnson, Dick Nixon, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, it is not a group of admirable people. But if that is what he wants, I hope he makes it.

What is clear to me is that my wife and I, who live in a middle-class upscale neighborhood, would be delighted to have Barack Obama and his family as our next door neighbors. Neither of us would want George W. or Bill or Hillary Clinton to move in next door. But, we would be honored to have the Obamas next door. You see, we’re more particular about who is our next door neighbor than we are about who is president.



Letter countered some of the hate speech going around


Congratulations to John Wendle for the March 20 letter in The Vindicator regarding Sen. Obama. The day before, calls were made to WKBN talk show hosts calling Obama to task for what his pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, preached to his congregation.

I was appalled by the hatred, prejudice and bigotry of the callers, exceeded only by their ignorance. Even their possible political agenda was masked by their blind hatred. They think Obama should have left his church because of the speeches of his minister. If the same logic were applied to a Catholic seeking political office he would have to quit the church because of the way his pastor has protected pedophiles and child abusers. Many Catholics do not agree with the teaching of the church on birth control, celibacy, married clergy, homosexuality, stem cell research, etc. But they are still Catholics and go to church. Why would Obama have to give up his church or distance himself from the man who taught him about God and Jesus?

Come on, people. The title of Cal Thomas’ editorial on the next page was: “Blacks should listen to Cosby, not Rev. Wright.” I agree and would add, “Whites should listen to Rev. Wright” and determine what he was really trying to say. Maybe he was pointing out that we are all not lily white and innocent (pun intended).


North Jackson

Protect what you have


Last Friday, I suffered a severe allergic reaction at my home in Boardman. It occurred very suddenly and left me completely incapacitated. My husband called 911 which brought the Boardman Fire Department, Boardman Police, and Clemente Ambulance to my aid. I am in my thirties, healthy and never thought I would need this type of help. The guys were very professional and did their jobs effectively.

I don’t know what would have happened if we didn’t have these forces at our immediate disposal. The residents of Boardman need to support these departments 100 percent when called upon to do so. We cannot afford to be without them or reduce their staffing. Those who believe they don’t benefit from or need these protections are turning a blind eye to the truth. One medical emergency can bring that truth into focus.

