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South Ave. fire station reopens, but how long?

Thursday, March 6, 2008

South Ave. fire station reopens, but how long?

BOARDMAN — The South Avenue fire station reopened Wednesday but whether it is open or close will vary from day to day depending on staffing.

The station closed last week after township trustees announced the layoffs of 42 employees including nine full-time and nine part-time firefighters. The same night of the announcement, a sign was posted at the station saying it was closed because of layoffs.

“It’s not a scare tactic,” said Fire Chief James Dorman. “When we have the manpower, we’ll open up a station.”

A shift must include at least nine firefighters per minimum manning requirements in the contract between the township and the firefighters’ union.

The South Avenue station is the first closed when there isn’t sufficient manpower because of the locations of the other two stations and their proximity to the greatest number of calls. The main station is on U.S. Route 224 with a third at Shields Road and Lockwood Boulevard.

The Shields-Lockwood station closed Sunday because one firefighter was on vacation and another had the flu. A call for overtime got no response.

The layoffs are the township’s first step in balancing its budget. Voters last November rejected a 4.1-mill operating levy.