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Tip sheds some light on chandelier cleaning

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Dear Heloise: Is there an easy way to clean chandeliers without taking them down? They have so many intricate pieces, they are very hard to clean. Denise, via e-mail

You bet there is! It’s as easy as using soft cleaning cloths and glass cleaner or vinegar and water to clean each prism individually. Spray the cloth, not the glass, wipe each piece and then wipe with another dry cloth.

Another hint: Use baby towelettes, without lotion, or hand wipes that are alcohol-based to wipe each piece of glass. If the chandelier is over a table, you might want to put down a big bath towel or old shower curtain to protect it. Heloise

Dear Heloise: To help conserve water, we put a large bowl in the sink, and every time we rinse something, the water goes into the bowl rather than down the drain. When the bowl is full, we use it to water plants in the yard. It’s amazing how much water is used each day. Carol Lawrence, Newport Beach, Calif.

Dear Heloise: I overheard a very good hint at a candle shop. A lady was telling her friend that when a candle gets stuck in its holder, just put it all in the freezer for a day. The candle will fall out of the container. Patricia H., Flagler Beach, Fla.

Dear Heloise: I’ve been using liquid hand soap for a long time and noticed that my cuticles were always cracked and sometimes bleeding. I now refill the empty bottles I’ve saved with store-brand body wash, and no more cracked cuticles. Shirley Boucher, Renton, Wash.

Dear Heloise: If you make pasta salads, even if you boil the noodles in water with a little oil added, they still tend to stick together. If you drain them and spray with a little bit of nonfat cooking spray, then toss, it’s much easier to mix in the other ingredients and have them distribute more easily. Mari, via e-mail

Dear Heloise: I have worked at an inn for three and a half years. People are always forgetting their pillows that they have brought with them. My hint is to put your own colorful pillowcase on the pillow — then you won’t be apt to forget it.

Also, many people are leaving their cell-phone charger. My suggestion is to put a colorful ribbon on the handle of the suitcase. Seeing the ribbon at packing time will remind the person to pack the phone charger. Ruthie Jones, Ojai, Calif.

Ruthie, thanks for the reminders. I travel with a black-satin pillowcase. It stands out! And a red ribbon goes on the security chain of the door as a visual reminder. Heloise

Dear Heloise: I use address labels on my cane in case I should leave it anywhere. I also put them on dishes and lids that I take to potluck dinners. Nan from Maine

XSend a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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